We are a registered foodbank, and agencies can send a referral on your behalf if you require food support in times of crisis or emergency. Our focus is on creating kai that is healthy and cost-effective. We take unsaleable food from a variety of sources, food that cannot be sold but is good enough to eat, and repackage and redistribute it to the people who need it.
From Tairawhiti, to Potikirua at the tip of East Cape and stretching down to Nuhaka we reach rural and isolated areas in need by distributing surplus kai to seven smaller hubs.
We have multiple kai initiatives beyond the crisis kai parcels including, in-home or group cooking classes, food literacy classes, meal planning, budget shopping.
The Tangata Hauora programme is for whānau who struggle financially. It is a holistic approach that provides practical tools and life skills to support you to flourish; preparation for mahi or a course, a range of workshops and 1:1 work to overcome life’s challenges, and build healthy lifestyles and esteem.
Working on whānau goals with a social worker, we provide one on one support to help you reach your goals.

We offer some great free courses to get you upskilled, below you can register for one of our courses or feel free to get in touch to know when our next available course is; maara kai, cooking, parenting, Ready to Rent, emergency preparedness, sustainable kai and many more
Need Assistance?
If you find yourself in need of a kai parcel or support and are registered with WINZ, we encourage you to reach out to them to inquire about eligibility for Food Assistance through MSD. If you've already exhausted your entitlements, you can ask WINZ to send a referral on your behalf.
For those who aren't registered with WINZ, alternative avenues for obtaining a referral include reaching out to other agencies such as Plunket, Turanga Health, Ngati Porou Hauora, Barnardos, and more.
If you're not affiliated with any of these service providers, please don't hesitate to give us a call at 06-8683571. We're here to explore how we might assist you and your Whānau during this time.
Additionally, if you're experiencing hardship and require support in other areas such as household goods, budgeting, or starting a vegetable garden, please reach out to us. We're committed to finding solutions to support you and your family.